Gum disease

Gum disease

Your gums (gingiva) surround your teeth. It’s the supportive structure of the teeth that keeps them in place and provide a barrier against bacteria.
Healthy gums should be pink and firm to the touch, but in the early stages of unhealthy gums or a worse gum disease they can become red, swollen or, even painful.
Gum disease begins when plaque builds up along and under your gum line. Plaque causes an infection that hurts the gum and bone that hold your teeth in place. A mild form of gum disease may make your gums red, tender, and more likely to bleed. This problem, called gingivitis, can often be fixed by brushing and flossing every day.
A more severe form of gum disease, called periodontitis, must be treated by a dentist. If not treated, this infection can lead to sore, bleeding gums, painful chewing problems, and even tooth loss.

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How to prevent gum disease:

• Visit your dentist routinely for a check-up and cleaning.
• Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
• Floss regularly.
• Eat a well-balanced diet.
• Quit smoking. Smoking increases your risk for gum disease.
• Vitamin C helps keep the connective tissues in your gums healthy and strong, which hold your teeth in place.

To Keep Your Gums Healthy

If you have already gum disease you should make your appointment for Dental Hygienist every 3 months to deep cleaning gum reattachment by removing the obstructions, bacteria, plaque, and tartar from the roots of your teeth. Removing the infection and tartar is allowing your gums to heal around the teeth.

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